Our Shared Vision

At Deerhurst we intend to provide the highest quality of care and learning in a happy safe and stimulating environment.

It is our intention to be accessible to children and families whatever their individual needs from all sections of our local community.

We are committed to developing positive, caring relationships based on trust and respect. We include parents/carers and additional professionals in all that we do to ensure each child reaches their own full potential.

By implementing quality interaction, observation, assessment and reflection following The Early Years Foundation Stage statutory framework, and consistent care routines we ensure each child is supported in their learning and development from birth to five.

We value the importance of Continued Professional Development to ensure we provide quality teaching and learning opportunities.

We aim to prepare children for their future and ensure children are ready for the next stages of their learning.  Fundamental British Values are embedded in our curriculum to enable our children to be responsible citizens and effective contributors to our society.

Each child has a key person who regularly monitors their progress and welfare and ensures that every child is happy, safe and developing their full potential.